Saturday, May 16, 2020

Learning Styles and the Accounting Profession Essay example

Every human being in this world is unique and each individual has different ways in which they learn. Learning styles have been formulated over the years to help us recognize the way we approach learning and methods we use to gain knowledge. It is an individuals distinctive approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preference with a mixture of various styles. In this essay, we will take a look at different learning styles and how they can be implemented and integrated in the accounting profession. To determine the best way I learn, I carried out two different learning styles questionnaires online. One may find that they are not always categorised in a specific type rather they may have more†¦show more content†¦The results were similar to the VARK results. Similar concepts apply to this model as the scores from the test are matched against a scale with two polar opposites, in this case, visual and verbal. As I stated before, visual learners learn better with p hysical demonstrations rather than explanations with words. Finally, my last result was reflective learning. This is a very fair assessment of the way I learn as I am more into the critical analysis of a subject or concept. I prefer studying or revising alone than in groups and thinking things thoroughly first on my own. Study styles of accounting students in universities are mainly based on two methods. †¢ Tutor centred: Lectures and seminars qualify for tutor centred learning. That is why university students need to become skilled at how to listen, memorize and take notes that are taught by the lecturer. †¢ Student centred: Student centred learning involves student actively taking part, learning with examples of real life situations. They are encouraged to work in groups in case studies, debates, presentations and in new environments in which they must get accustomed. E-learning and independent studying are all means to get the students learning on their own, thinking critically and evaluating concepts. â€Å"Experiential Learning is based on the idea that particular experiences form the basis of learning opportunities†(Allan B,2009). David Kolb developed the Experiential Learning Model in the early 1970’s.Show MoreRelatedThe Different Roles Of The Accounting Profession1305 Words   |  6 PagesThe Different Roles of the Accounting Profession Module by: Link-Systems International, Inc.. E-mail the author Summary: Demo/Sample Learning Object in Accounting Note: You are viewing an old style version of this document. The new style version is available here. 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